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An Ode to 2022

As the year comes to a close, I cannot help but look back with nostalgia on a year that brought some life changing moments and experiences for both JMG clients as well as myself.

This past year embodied a great deal of change, some tough times and a bit of uncertainty, but it was also filled with much growth and reflection. We learned the value of resilience and being able to adapt to changing circumstances, as well as the power of collaboration. Without these, it would be difficult to go the distance in the world of PR.

We also discovered a great deal about ourselves and the world around us, and in turn, it reminded us that self-care and kindness to one another as well as ourselves is extremely important. One of the things I love about end of year reflection is not only does it allow you to look back on the lessons learned, it helps to identify areas for improvement, recognize the year’s successes, and develop strategies to set up for future success.

In taking the time to look back, you’ll be able to understand how different experiences have impacted your life and your business, which can be beneficial for personal and professional growth. In retrospect, we gain valuable insight into how to navigate similar situations as we head into a new year. While we each have our own personal lessons to learn from, there are a handful of business lessons myself and the JMG team found to be especially important this past year. Being in PR  for as long as I have, I believe they are fundamental lessons that might be taken for granted at times but are an important component to ensuring a company’s success.

The Learning Never Stops

Whether you have worked in PR for a day, a year, or 10+ years, it’s important to remember, you are always learning. Ask any seasoned professional and they will tell you they are constantly discovering new things. No matter how much you know, you are always a student.

Learning from colleagues, clients, or those around you, staying on top of your industry is key. We do that through reading industry publications, connecting with peers, and attending classes and/or conferences. Being curious is a part of our job, and when you are inquisitive you develop new skills, gain knowledge, and grow as individuals which in turn, makes us better at what we do.

Networking is Key

In person, or digital, networking is at the core of the PR industry. Networking helps to make connections with industry professionals, gain access to valuable resources, and develop relationships that can help further your business.

In addition, networking opens doors to new opportunities for mentorship, internships, and future career opportunities. Ultimately, networking can help build a strong community of professional contacts that can support you in achieving the goals set forth. Remember, don’t treat networking lightly.

Change is the Only Constant

When working in any industry, embracing change comes with the job. Change is the only constant because it is the only thing in life, and business, that’s always happening. Even when things seem to be the same, there are usually subtle changes taking place. Looking a little closer, change is a sign of growth, progress, new opportunities, and as each day unfolds, however so slightly, being mentally prepared helps you adapt quickly and find solutions faster.

Being a Team Player

I cannot stress this enough; PR is not a solo game. In order to achieve success, you must be a team player, you can’t go the distance alone. Working together as a team allows for everyone to bring their unique skills, knowledge, and experience to the table, creating a collaborative environment where ideas can be shared, and solutions uncovered. The team here at JMG PR embodies the true meaning of teamwork, each one bringing their own unique style and creativity which in turn allows us to be successful.

Project Management is a Lifesaver

There are certain skills we don’t learn in school, or even taught on the job, they’re the ones that come with experience. Project management is one of those and should be a part of every PR executive’s agenda.

It’s crucial in business because it helps to ensure work is completed on time, within budget, and being delivered at the highest quality. It allows teams to work collaboratively and efficiently while staying organized, on track, and meeting deadlines. Another reason why working as a team is extremely important.  In addition to the lessons learned within the walls of our company, the PR disasters of 2022 served as educational experiences for all of us here at JMG PR. And there were many (think Will Smith or Prince Andrew), but the two that stood out for me included Ulta Beauty and Balenciaga.

In May, Ulta Beauty came under intense fire for an email newsletter with an incredibly insensitive and cringe inducing subject line, “Come hang with Kate Spade” which was meant to promote the brand’s new perfumes but for many consumers, it recalled Kate Spade’s death in 2018 after suffering from depression. Ulta sent an apology email to subscribers, saying it deeply regretted their choice of words and considers mental health to be a serious issue and promised to take steps to ensure that such a mistake never happened again.

Then there was the recent Balenciaga Christmas campaign which was another PR disaster where valuable lessons were learned. One of the most powerful and iconic luxury brands, worn by every celebrity, found themselves in a PR nightmare when their holiday campaign featured material that depicted child pornography and oversexualizing minors. This created a huge international scandal, one that appears impossible to come back from.

Despite the PR efforts of apologies, celebrities and brand followers have disassociated themselves with Balenciaga, and despite their best efforts, apologies may not be enough this time to turn things around. This is an extreme instance of a situation that crossed the line and will be very hard to bounce back from. It will be interesting to see how Balenciaga tries to repair their image in the year 2023.

I do not envy the position these PR executives are in; it is a tough job. What I can do is learn from these experiences and ensure my clients never find themselves in similar situations. As I wrap up my thoughts and reflect back on how the year started to where we are now, myself and my team are excited about what's to come in 2023. We look forward to sharing new goals and wins with all of you in the New Year!