Establishing Yourself as a Thought Leader in Your Industry

As a leader in your respective field, it’s important to make a commitment to share your voice so that others can learn, prosper, and grow from the knowledge you’ve acquired, and your influence be felt widespread. Sometimes that means stepping out of your comfort zone and looking further ahead. It’s the innate ability to not only contribute to the conversations that are taking place now, but the ability to speculate on what’s going to happen tomorrow. What trends do you foresee for your industry, what challenges along with opportunities are affecting your respective business, and in what ways can your company learn, as well as benefit from them?

By owning these ideas and responding to the ever- evolving marketplace, founders and CEO’s of start-up companies are in effect positioning themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields.

When defining what it means to be a “thought leader,” we think of someone who is a notable expert, a person who identifies trends, common themes and patterns within a particular industry, or area of expertise, to help others identify new opportunities and solutions for growth. Thought leaders offer unique guidance and insight and are able to inspire and influence others. It is about introducing new ways of thinking that will help to reinvent industries along with blazing new paths as industries change, especially in our current economic climate.  

In this particular role, corporate leaders must trust themselves enough and have the courage to not only share the way they think, along with their ideas and ideals, but inspire others to implement them into their own business. Gone are the days of the PowerPoint presentations to share knowledge and information. In the age of information sharing, employees today want to know more about the people who are leading their company, what they think, what drives them, who they are as people, and the ways in which all of this information is conveyed has rapidly changed since those good old presentation days.

While no one person has all of the answers, becoming a trusted source for information allows for the opportunity to bridge your knowledge with clients and strategic partners. In order to grow your business, it’s essential to understand the importance of knowledge sharing and know how to utilize it in a way that will elevate your brand. Offering intelligent insights and informed opinions brings to the table a unique and different perspective that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

The team here at JMG PR works extremely close with our clients in helping them get the visibility they need to take their business to the next level along with positioning them as leaders in their space so that they can continue to grow.

Attaining the “thought leader” status is not something that happens overnight and is an elusive goal many business leaders and executives strive for. One must build experience and cultivate their credibility over a period of time before establishing themselves in such a role. It takes time, patience, hard work, and a willingness to learn from others. 

So exactly how do you go about establishing yourself as a thought leader? We’ve compiled a number of tips to help you get started in laying your foundation.

1.     Define your area of expertise and stick with it – Being clear with your insights and honing in on a specific area of expertise will help build your brand and establish credibility in your respective field. Instead of trying to be a leader in every area of your field, focus on what you know best and hone in on that message repeatedly.

2.     Continually learn about your industry – All industries are continuously evolving, some faster than others, and it’s important to stay on top of what’s happening so you can share and comment on trends along with constantly learning about your industry. 

3.     Listen to others – Even “thought leaders” don’t have all of the answers but they never stop learning. It’s ok to admit when you don’t know something but remain modest enough to listen to what others have to say. Learning from others in your field not only helps expand your knowledge, it’s a great way to stay connected with others.

4.     Share your ideas through the written word – Writing and sharing experiences is a natural extension of one’s leadership role and responsibility. Get published often and develop a steady stream of regular readers and followers. You can start by self-publishing or writing content on your own blog as well as writing guest posts on industry-related blogs and/or publications.

5.      Utilize social media – Outlets such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, allow you to connect and engage with a widespread community, making it easy for an audience to follow your writings, speaking engagements, interviews, media appearances, etc. Social media platforms are constructed to be utilized as a two-way platform and should be used as such in the exchange of knowledge and ideas with your community.

6.     Cultivate relationships with the media – Create a list of writers and editors who regularly report on your industry and follow them on social media, comment on their work, and most of all be proactive in building and cultivating these relationships. Think of the outlets that would benefit from your expertise; when you have some insight, whether it be a lead, a quote, other people they can speak to, you’ll have an easier time passing along this trusted information.

7.     Boost your industry presence – Seek out speaking opportunities, participate in panel discussions, workshops, TV and podcast segments. The more visible you are to your audience, the more potential you have in becoming an authority or influencer in your industry.

As you continue to grow both your brand and your reputation, you’ll also be strengthening your position as a trusted thought leader within your industry.


Jenna Guarneri - JMG Public Relation