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Revving up for the “Roaring 20s”

Now that the holidays have commenced and I’m back at my office, down in Manhattan’s Financial District (which just so happens to be within walking distance from my first job in PR), and I’m feeling energized and ready-to-go on day two of this brand new decade.  

Before I forge ahead, I feel I must acknowledge the past decade, and of course show it some love here, especially for the fact it was life-changing for me, both personally and professionally.  

Every year when late December approaches, it always leaves me feeling a bit nostalgic, especially as I mentally process my “year in review.”  But 2019 was a bit “extra” special. Not only because I reflected back on all of JMG PR’s accomplishments, but because I couldn’t help but think of how far I’ve come over these last 10 years from when I first started in the PR business to where I am now. And that not only brings a smile to my face, it fuels me as we head into the “Roaring 20s.”

The original Roaring Twenties was a decade that brought about dramatic social and political change, flare and freedom to women, and advances in science and technology. When I think about this new version, I believe it is also going to be a time of change in both the world we live in as well as my own.  My 2020 prediction for myself and my company - bigger and better things, along with a continued focus on growth.

Before I begin looking ahead, I want to recap what the last decade has gifted me. Now I know there are many quotes out there that say not to look behind you, but rather forward towards the future, which I fully plan to do, but in glancing back I can truly see, and appreciate, how much I’ve grown.

In my younger years I was extremely shy. I was that child who didn’t speak much, and when I did it was in a low, timid voice. I wasn’t as confident in who I was as I am now, so to pursue a field where talking is an important part of the job speaks volumes.

Not only have I learned how to project my voice, I have embraced who I am, and my confidence level has risen tenfold. I’m no longer the kid who shook when giving a presentation, now I can stand in front of a room full of people without getting nervous.

Over the last few years I’ve had the opportunity to speak to undergrads at my Alma matter and at various PR clubs, sharing my experience as an expert in my field. To be on the other side of the table is a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and a wonderful example of life coming full circle. 

When I first started out nearly a decade ago, I knew PR was my passion, but I never imagined it would evolve into what it has today. Back then, I wasn’t even aware entrepreneurship was a “thing.” I thought I would work for a company and move my way up the corporate ladder like everyone else. I didn’t have any role models who were entrepreneurs themselves so the thought didn’t cross my mind.

While working at my second job out of college, and having gone as far as I could in  my role, I started to think about what my next move, which I knew had to be a strategic one, was going to be. I am, and always have been a creative person so the next place had to have more of a creative than corporate element.

It’s not always easy to find everything we want wrapped up into one perfect package but I was willing to be patient. But then when a friend asked me if I had ever thought about starting my own firm, which until that moment I had not, I thought, “why not?” And the rest as they say is history!

By launching JMG PR I was able to take all of the elements I had envisioned and make them happen on my own terms. At that point I knew the PR business well, so now it was time to start the journey of learning how be a successful entrepreneur.

In March, JMG PR will celebrate five years and while we’re halfway to a decade, it’s exciting to reflect back. Personally, there have been many exciting highlights, even within 2019, moments I could have never envisioned but yet there I am. Walking the red carpet at this year’s Tony Awards with one of my client’s was such a “surreal” experience.

Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that happening, but it did. It’s moments like these where I realize the path I chose was the one I was meant to be on. When I made the decision to pursue a career as an entrepreneur in the field I loved, I knew I wanted each day to be new and different, challenging yet exciting, and being surrounded by such creative talent that night made me realize I was doing exactly that.

Every morning, before I begin my day, I like to internally recite Teddy Roosevelt’s speech, “The Man in the Arena.” Not only does it get my day started, it keeps me motivated, moving forward, and always humble.

As we begin a new decade, I can sum this last one up in just one word, “wow!” And as I walk into 2020, I know this one is going to be “next level!” Needless to say, I am excited to see what this next decade holds!

- Jenna

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